Please see below for details surrounding our upcoming webinar series! We hope to see you register.  Blackstone is excited to share that we will be hosting a 2024 Fall Webinar Series to provide students the opportunity to learn more about the firm and the 2025 recruiting process! Blackstone Spotlight | Real Estate Date: Tuesday, October 1st  Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST Registration:  While our webinars are open to all students, the information provided will be geared toward undergraduate students exploring internship opportunities for Summer 2026 (graduation date of Fall 2026 – Spring 2027). There are no application requirements to attend our webinars however attendance will be noted. Registering for these informational webinars does not constitute an application for employment. Participation in these webinars does not guarantee an interview or employment. Individuals interested in applying for a position with Blackstone should visit our Careers Website for additional information. For any questions, please contact our team at 

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