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Angela is a User Experience (UX) Designer at Lenovo, a certified Humane Technologist, and an ice cream enthusiast. Her love for design started in a graphic design class in middle school, learning to make posters in Adobe Photoshop on a ThinkPad— her love for Lenovo products runs deep. Angela’s passions grew into a profession, and she graduated from SCAD with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in UX design in 2020 and began working as a UX Designer at Lenovo where she designs software interfaces and interactions for several of the devices and applications that Lenovo releases, reaching over 44 million users every month. Passionate about accessibility, diversity, inclusion, and sustainability, she is consistently advocating to ensure all her products and practices are accessible, culturally sensitive, and diversely inclusive. Angela believes to not purposefully design for everyone is to accidentally exclude someone. She’s honored to serve as Board Chair of ABLE, A Better Lenovo for Everyone, Lenovo’s disability advocacy ERG and a community of Lenovo employees advocating for accessibility for those with visible/invisible disabilities and neurodivergence. Angela oversees ABLE’s 3 committees: Events & Community, Education & Advocacy, and Communications.

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Work Experience
  • Staff User Experience Designer
  • Lenovo
Students with Disabilities
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